Saturday, July 4, 2020

IELTS Writing Task 1- Writing a report on Static Data-4

Lets continue our writing task 1 -static data

We have learnt so far:
1.Use of Comparatives and superlatives
2.Using Linking words to join sentences.
3.Using words and other expressions to describe Numbers.

4.Using negative sentences using the structures- "not as + adjective + as"

We shall learn some more about describing and comparing numbers.

Think about the following question by looking at the given graph.

Now try to complete the following exercises:

Ans:1.twice 2.three times 3.Half

The word is "Than" I am sure you got it.

Read the above 2 structures carefully and try to write atleast 2 sentences using these structures on the above table (Favorite movies by Genre,Survey of 100 women)

Now, can you write a short paragraph  about the information in the above table(most popular leisure activities) using the language and sentences in the above exercise? You can submit it in this group.

You must have observed from the above table that it is a kind of a survey or Questionnaires.Like the surveys you are asked to fill after you order food or ride in a cab.

Often in Task 1 writing you will be asked to write about the results of a survey or Questionnaire.

You need to draw a graph in your copy by understanding the above information.Please share it in the group once done.

Look at the following graph and study it carefully.
Complete the following sentences:

Please use the following expressions (in blue) to help you complete the above sentences:

Now lets try to write a complete task -1 writing Static data.

Lets consider the following the Graph:

Please use all the following options that we have learnt so far to write:

1.Use of Comparatives and superlatives

2.Using Linking words to join sentences.

3.Using words and other expressions to describe Numbers.

4.Using negative sentences using the structures- "not as + adjective + as"

5.Describing Numbers/Percentages

Now the Format that you should write is :

Paragraph 1 – Introduction

Paragraph 2 – Overview

Paragraph 3 – 1st main data

Paragraph 4 – 2nd main data

Make sure you describe atleast 3- 4 data in each 3rd and 4th para .

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There are 3 sections in it. 1.General questions - (5-8 ques) -Need to answer relevantly with atleast 3 sentences. -You are expected to...